Unsure what your property is worth? Discover what factors affect the price.
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Monique Dower
Principal, Belle Property Balmain
If you’re thinking of selling, you might be confused about what your home is worth. The bank sets a valuation for its risk profile, the council uses a different formula, and a real estate agent looks at factors that include total area, the condition, and the interest from buyers. You end up with different valuations often thousands of dollars apart. So how do you know the true value?
Lynsey Kemp
Principal, Belle Property Balmain
Monique and I have lived and worked in this area for well over 20 years. We’ve achieved some of the highest prices and we’re renowned for our accurate price estimates. In assessing your property’s value, we look at elements such as the number of rooms, land size, and recent sale prices for comparable properties. In the end, though, your home is worth what somebody will pay for it.
For more home selling tips, visit https://balmain.belleproperty.com