In this video, we give you some tips on how to manage decluttering easily.
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Following is the video transcript.
Lynsey Kemp
Principal, Belle Property Balmain
Whether you’ve lived in your home for two or twenty years, most people need to declutter before they can have their home styled or photographed. It’s an essential step that not only improves the presentation of your property but gives you mental clarity, as well as the impetus to commit to life’s next chapter. When it comes to decluttering, most people don’t know where to start. It’s easy to feel completely overwhelmed, but you’ll feel fantastic once your decluttering, deep clean and home styling are complete.
Monique Dower
Principal, Belle Property Balmain
Emotional attachment can make parting with some items incredibly difficult. You may be reluctant to let go of inherited objects, gifts or other things with sentimental value. Start small, tackle one room or space at a time. First, focus on items that should be thrown away – old socks or things with missing parts. Put boxes by your front door; one for things you’ll donate, one for storage and the last for items to throw away. Decluttering also paves the way for lower moving costs and less items to unpack in your new home!